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Sunday, May 23, 2010

Secrets Of The Self Defense Groin Kick

The self defense groin kick is without a doubt a valuable technique in close quarters combat. (Any guy who’s ever come crashing down on the crossbar of his bicycle knows that.) But there’s a bunch of mistakes that many martial artists make when executing a groin kick for self defense – mistakes that can actually end up hurting YOU as a result if you don’t do pay close attention to these aspects of your technique.

Self Defense Groin Kick Secret #1: Use In Close Quarters Combat!

Don’t go for a groin kick from far away! As men, we have a subconscious radar that register when someone is going to hit our groin. This makes it harder to deliver an effective groin kick because he’s more likely to turn to avoid the kick as an instinctive reaction.

Self Defense Groin Kick Secret #2: Beware The Headbutt!

Self defense groin kicks, when used as taught in most “traditional” training settings, use a “linear” approach that places the martial artist directly in front of their attacker. But the way the body naturally reacts when hit with a groin kick is to instantly bend forward.

If you attempt a groin kick for self defense when you’re right in front of your attacker, this places you right in the way of your attacker’s head as it comes crashing down in an involuntary reaction. Needless to say, you don’t want to transform your groin kick against your attacker into a “headbutt” that takes YOU out of the fight. This IS for “self defense” remember!

Self Defense Groin Kick Secret #3: Attack HIGH First!

You can stop the natural “headbutt” reaction by first striking high to your attacker’s body. This also makes sure that he doesn’t see the groin kick coming and you can deliver more power in your technique.

Self Defense Groin Kick Secret #4: Shift Your Body!

The secret to proper execution for a self defense groin kick then is to kick while shifting your body slightly to the SIDE as you kick. When you execute this technique in this way, you can actually deliver more power AND make sure you’re out of the way should your attacker’s head lurch forward.

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Self Defense Tactic - Learn How To Surprise A Bar Bully

A common self defense trick that many experts instruct is that, when somebody comes up to you and starts threatening you, you should set up your defense by adopting a “ready stance” that looks passive but still protects your upper body. For example, your hands should be up and open as if saying, “I don’t want to fight.” but you should still have your body in a position to defend yourself if needed.

This isn’t such bad advice. Unfortunately it requires your brain and your body to be speaking the same language and 95% of the time, I see trainees unable to overcome this obstacle even in relaxed self defense training scenarios. It gets much harder in the adrenaline charged real world self defense scenario. Here’s what I mean…

When posturing for self defense, tricks like holding your hands up and saying, “I don’t want to fight” often aren’t perceived that way. Somebody who’s angry, drunk, or just not paying attention won’t hear you telling him you “don’t want any trouble.” If your body is in a “ready” stance, when your hands come up, he may actually see you looking for a fight, and that’s all he’ll process. Bystanders might think the same thing; they may not hear or remember that you said you didn’t want trouble.

In addition, to defend yourself, you need to have the survival mind-set to rip your attacker’s head off if needed, right? Well your brain is then thinking “self defense”, tricking your body language to show that you’re really ready to fight despite your submissive words. To better de-escalate the confrontation and also get your attacker to lower his guard if you need to defend yourself, here’s a self defense trick that will fool any attacker and not only set you up for a surprise preemptive attack…but also “look” more like self defense to those around you for the police report that results:

Surprise Self-Defense Trick, Step 1: First, turn to the side.

This is like bladeing your body, but it’s more extreme than that. You’re putting most of your body farther away from your attacker while putting your lead hand closer to him.

Surprise Self-Defense Trick, Step 2: Next, hunch your shoulders.

This looks passive; it’s a submission cue programmed into our primitive brains, a visual prompt from the animal kingdom that makes you look like you’re afraid and unwilling to fight back.

Surprise Self-Defense Trick, Step 3: Talk with your hands.

While you’re busy telling your attacker that you don’t want any trouble, maybe even offering to buy him a drink if you’re in a bar, get him used to seeing your hands move around. That way, when you finally do move, you’ll take him by surprise.

Surprise Self-Defense Trick, Step 4: If he refuses to deescalate, strike him.

You can do a simple palm heel blow with your lead hand, which is already halfway to your target by the time you do it… and you’ll take your attacker completely by surprise as you preempt his attack.

This is a very effective sneak-attack approach to self-defense. Trick your opponent into thinking you’re a submissive weakling and you’ll trick anybody else who might be watching. You’ll program them to think you’re the victim, and you’ll walk away the winner…and survivor.

Click Here! to learn more dirty street fighting self defense techniques.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

How To Defend Yourself Against An Attacker

Do you sometimes feel afraid to walk to your car at night?

Do you constantly worry about walking down the street and getting mugged or assaulted?

We all say that we will do anything to protect our families, but do we know how?

Dear Friend,

The number of assaults and robberies each year is not going down, but I’m here to tell you that you don’t have to be a victim of this kind of violence anymore. If you want to protect yourself and your family from this kind of violence then you need to learn the best self defense moves and street fighting techniques. And who better to learn self defense tactics from then a self defense expert that is a decorated combat veteran and security professional.

If an attack ever happens, you don't want to find yourself wondering what to do. Click Here and take the first step to protecting yourself and your family.